Flowers Blue Water Lily – Blue Lotus of India

Blue Water Lily – Blue Lotus of India

Blue Water Lily

Blue Water Lily

Adding a water lily in a home garden has become a default trend in many places nowadays. The best part is that this gorgeous lily can be grown in any free standing bowl or in a pot on the patio, or in a small pond in your garden. Where ever it is grown, it adds a touch of beauty and tranquility to that place instantly.

Common Name:  Blue water lily, Blue lotus of India, Purple Indian water lily, Neelkamal (Hindi), Krishna Kamalam (Sanskrit)

[In Tamil: Neelambal, நீலாம்பல், Alli, அல்லி பூ,  Alli-tamarai]

Botanical Name: Nymphaea nouchal

Family: Nymphaeaceae (waterlily family)

Blue Lotus of India

Blue Lotus of India

Blue Water Lily

Blue Water Lily

Blue Water Lily

Blue Water Lily

4 thoughts on “Blue Water Lily – Blue Lotus of India”

  1. Hello,

    Good & Creative work, What ever You did things are Simply Super, You are blessed with so many creative ideas, Please can You say me Where this Blue water lily tress can get & How much cost? & Is there any different types of flower tree are there which is suitable to Hyderabad climate ? thanks in advance:)

    1. Thanks Bhavana for writing such a nice comment. It means a lot to me!

      1. Water lily costs around 300 rupees in Chennai. Here in Chennai, most nursery gardens have them in a cement pots/containers small to medium sizes where the cement pot cost starts from 500 on wards. You should contact a local nursery for the exact price of a particular water lily plant as there many varieties in that plant. For planting a water lily, you need to have a cement pot or container which can hold at least 5 liters of water. The pot should be at least a feet in depth and 2 feet in wide. As the plant needs a lot of direct sunlight, it has to be kept outdoors or in terrace. As an added benefit, you can grow guppies in the pots along with water lilies.

      2. Regarding flowering trees, you can go for shrubs like Peacock Flower (caesalpinia pulcherrima – Poinciana, pink is so pretty), Cape Honeysuckle (orange flower which attracts birds), Mussaenda (Red is more attractive), Duranta Repens (beautiful shrub with Purple flowers and orange berries, Note: the berries are poisonous), Frangipani, ia jasminoides (Parijatam), ixora, etc. There are so many to list here, if you visit a local nursery you will get plenty of ideas.

      Also you can refer the link for some more flowering tree suggestions in your region.

      Hope this helps.

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