Flowers Hibiscus Flowers

Hibiscus Flowers

Yellow Hibiscus

Hibiscus Flowers

flowers cannot be complete without these Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or simply Hibiscus flowers (as we call it here in my place). In my area, practically every garden has these flowers, one color at the least. Hibiscus is known for its large showy trumpet-shaped flowers. Hibiscus flowers are five or more petaled. with a long stamen standing out from the trumpet-shaped floral base. Apart from being used in decorations, this flower is used as an ingredient in herbal teas around the globe for its natural cooling effect on our body. Dried flowers are used in candies as a garnish in Mexico. Also its leaves and flowers are used in various beauty products especially related to hair. Hibiscus (and its species) has the pride for being a national flower to many countries. For example: Hibiscus is the state flower for Hawaii;  Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is the national flower of Malaysia; Hibiscus is the national flower of the Haiti.

Common Name:  Hibiscus, Rose MallowChinese HibiscusChina Rose, Shoe Flower

[In Tamil: Sembaruthi, செம்பருத்தி ]

Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Family: Malvaceae (mallow family)

Hibiscus Pink

Hibiscus Pink

Hibiscus Orange

Hibiscus Orange


Hibiscus Peach Flower – Photo Credits: Sneha, Bangalore

There are many variations of this flower, one of which is shown below: As its name (Sleeping Hibiscus) tells, the petals of this flower are never fully open.

Common name: Sleeping hibiscus, Turk’s turban, Turk;s Cap, Scotsman’s purse, Firecracker Hibiscus

Botanical name: Malvaviscus arboreus

Family: Malvaceae (Mallow family)

Sleeping hibiscus

Sleeping hibiscus

More Hibiscus Flowers: Photo Gallery

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